Best 100+ Funny Monkey Puns For Monkeying Around 2025

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Are you looking for monkey puns or related to monkeys?

Here we have compiled the best monkey puns and monkey jokes that you can read through below. Primarily, these puns are on monkeys, chimpanzees or chimps, apes, and baboons.

You just need to find the suitable puns that feature, question-answer monkey puns for Instagram, monkey puns captions nad many more. Moreover, share these puns and jokes with friends on social media or over text to have a fun time.

Also, you must have experienced that monkeys are mischievous as well as funny when they act or do something. From making funny noises to making weird faces. That is the reason behind these funny monkeys, chimps, and apes puns.

Have a look and pick the suitable monkey puns or related to monkey jokes and share on Instagram with friends and family. Enjoy!

Best Monkey Puns And Jokes: Questions-Answer

These are monkey jokes that include apes puns, chimp puns, and baboon puns that can use to share with kids and friends to have fun. Also, you can modify or improvise these monkey puns to inspire and make hundreds of different jokes on monkeys, chimpanzees,s or apes. Enjoy!

What do you call a monkey that wins the World Series?
"A chimpion."

What do you call a monkey that wins the World Series?
“A chimpion.”

What do you call a baby monkey?
“A chimp off the old block.”

Where do monkeys go to grab a beer?
“The monkey bars!”

What kind of key opens a banana?
“A mon-key!”

What do you call a monkey in a minefield?
“A Ba-boom!”

Why don’t monkeys play cards in the jungle?
“There are too many cheetahs around.”

Did you hear about that dumb party in the jungle?
“Someone forgot to bring the chimps and dip.”

What did the monkey say when someone cut off its tail?
“It won’t be long now.”

Why do monkeys love bananas?
“Because they have appeal.”

What does a banana do when it sees a monkey?
“The banana splits.”

Why shouldn’t you fight with a monkey
They use gorilla warfare.

Why shouldn’t you fight with a monkey?
“They use gorilla warfare.”

Where do chimps hear all their gossip?
“The ape vine.”

What kind of monkey likes seafood?
“A shrimpanzee.”

What kind of underwear do monkeys wear?

Where does a baby monkey sleep?
“In an apricot.”

What do you call a monkey who can’t keep a secret?
“A blab-boon.”

What do you call monkeys who share an Amazon account?
“Prime mates.”

What do you call a flying monkey?
“A hot air baboon.”

Why don’t monkeys wear pocket watches?
“Because they don’t wear pants.”

How do you get a one-armed monkey out of a tree
Wave to it.

How do you get a one-armed monkey out of a tree?
“Wave to it.”

What does a monkey wear while cooking?
“An ape-ron.”

What do you call a monkey with a banana in each ear?
“Anything you want, he can’t hear you.”

If a monkey has thirty bananas in one hand and forty bananas in the other hand, what does he have?
“Very big hands.”

How do monkeys get down the stairs?
“They slide down the banana-ster.”

Where do monkeys go when they lose their tails?
“To a retailer.”

How do you catch a monkey?
“Climb a tree and act like a banana.”

What do you call a monkey at the North Pole?

Why did the thieves kidnap the monkey?
“Because they believed in gibbon take.”

What do you call a monkey that sells potato chips?
“A chipmunk.”

What did the banana say to the monkey?
“Nothing, bananas don’t talk.”

Why did the giant ape climb up the side of the skyscraper?
“Because the elevator was broken.”

Where does a 2,000 pound gorilla sit?
“Anywhere it wants to.”

Why did the chimpanzee cross the road

Why did the chimpanzee cross the road?
“Because he had to take care of some monkey business.”

Why did the monkey like the banana?
“Because it had appeal.”

If you were in the jungle and a gorilla charged you, what should you do?
“Pay him.”

What’s a monkey’s favorite game?

What’s furry and dangerous and lives in a tree?
“A monkey with a machine gun.”

Why did the monkey put a net over its head?
“It wanted to catch its breath.”

What is the monkey’s favorite dance move?
“The banana split.”

Why did the monkey take its banana to the doctors?
“It wasn’t peeling well.”

Which side of a monkey has more hair?
“The outside.”

What happens when you double-cross a monkey?
“They go bananas.”

If there were no bananas, what fruit would monkeys choose?

Why did the monkey cross the road?
“Because the chicken had the day off.”

What kind of monkey sounds like a sheep?
“A baaa-boon.”

What do you call a crowd of monkeys?
“An Orangatangle.”

Why do monkeys carry their babies on their backs
Because it's too hard dragging a buggy up those trees.

Why do monkeys carry their babies on their backs?
“Because it’s too hard dragging a buggy up those trees.”

What happens when monkeys get fleas?

What is a monkey’s favorite Christmas song?
“Jungle Bells.”

Why did King Kong climb the Empire State building?
“Because he couldn’t fit in the lift.”

What do you call an angry monkey?
“Furious George.”

What do you call a man who can jump from tree to tree?
“A monkey’s uncle.”

What do you call a monkey with a wand and a broomstick?
“Hairy Potter”

Two monkeys run a bath.
“One says, “ooh ooh ooh ah ah ah!”. The other says, “put some cold in it!”

Epic One Liners Monkey Puns And Jokes For Instagram Captions

These one line monkey puns are perfect for Instagram to post selfies, pictures, or simple Insta posts. Moreover, these puns and jokes can be improvised to get them to fit any kind of mood or moment you require to post on social media. Therefore, have a look and pick the suitable monkey jokes and share with others on social media or over text. Enjoy!

It's Always Monkey in Philadelphia

“It’s Always Monkey in Philadelphia”

“Mother Monkey”

“Monkey wuzzy”

“Monkey farm”

“Developing Monkey”

“Developed Monkey”

“No Monkey for Old Men”

“Monkey music”

“Monkey code”

“Longitudinal Monkey”

Monkey Girl

“Monkey Girl”

“A Monkey Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum”

“Half Chimp”

“Nine Chimp Nails”

“Chimp hop music”

“Ape before beauty”

“Ice Ape”

“Anti-Ape device”

Best Word Rhymes & Miss Spelled Monkey Puns Ideas

These are miss-spelled monkey puns that are related to monkeys, apes, baboons, chimps, etc, as they all come from the same family. Have a look and pick the ideal funny word rhymes on bad monkey puns that also monkey word plays to have fun with friends and kids. Enjoy!

You will be gibbon no quarter & At any gibbon hour.

Given/Gibbon: “You will be gibbon no quarter & At any gibbon hour.”

Going on/Guenon: “What’s guenon?”

Dry as/Dryas: “I’m dryas a bone.”

Duck/Douc: “A sitting douc.”

Give it/Grivet: “Grivet here! That’s mine!”

My car can/Macaque-an: “Macaque-an go faster than yours.”

Tale/Tail: “Dead men tell no tails”

Toilet/Tailet: “Down the tailet & In the tailet.”

Style/Stail: “Hairstail, Freestail, Lifestail, and Stailus.”

Hopefully these mokey puns are funny and usefull enough to pick for your fun time with family and friends. These puns on monkey as mentioned before, include apes puns, chimp puns, and baboon puns for Instagram captions as well as share over text or ise them directly for fun time.

However, if you need similar animal puns then refer to links and do check out these funny turkey thanksgiving puns, best bunny puns, epic vampire puns, and dolphin puns to have an even more fun time with friends while using these monkey puns.