80+ Dirty Thanksgiving Jokes One Liners | Turkey 2025

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We are all aware that Thanksgiving means food. Additionally, it creates a great deal of connection for Thanksgiving before Christmas.

You might feel the need for some comedy to lighten the mood after spending so much time together.

Therefore here is a handpicked collection of dirty Thanksgiving jokes one liners to share with people at a Thanksgiving dinner party

Pick suitable dirty jokes on Thanksgiving and Turkey as well as memes, riddles, and trivia.

Take a look below and enjoy!

Dirty Thanksgiving Jokes One Liners For Adults

Dirty Thanksgiving Jokes One Liners For Adults

“Let’s make like the pilgrims and faceplant on something rock-hard.”

“Like Thanksgiving, I come multiple times a year across various countries.”

“Yes, you can butter my biscuit.”

“Gosh, I dunno if I can fit this drumstick onto my plate.”

“Let’s go make my Plymouth rock.”

“Can you help me out? I need something big for my centerpiece.”

“The best part of Thanksgiving is the stuffing.”

“You’re sweeter than a hot marshmallow on a candied yam.”

Related: Dirty Turkey Jokes On Thanksgiving One Liners

“This stuffing is the tur-key to my heart.”

“Do you have anything to put in my cornucopia?”

“This dinner isn’t the only thing that’ll make you want to take off your p@nts.”

“I wanna see your horn of plenty.”

“Hope this dinner won’t be the only thing filling me up tonight.”

“I’d rather have you butter my biscuits.”

“Gobble gobble, I love watching you wobble.”

“I wanna play with your butterballs.”

“I’m ready to ride your Mayflower.”

“I’d rather swallow your gravy tn.”

Related: Dirty Christmas Jokes | Pick Up Lines

“I’ve got something else for you to feast on.”

“Leave the pie. I have better plans for the whipped cream.”

“Even though I’m wifey you can hit like a side dish.”

“Can you stuff me like a Thanksgiving turkey?”

“Glad I brought out the oven mitts, because you’re too hot to handle.”

“I’m going to make your Plymouth Rock.”

“Do you want to hop on my gravy train?”

“Want to candy my yams?”

“You put the “@ss” in casserole.”

Related: Funny Turkey Puns, Jokes & Riddles On Thanksgiving

“I’d rather be feasting on you tonight.”

“Let me give you another reason to feel thankful this year.”

“I’ve got something for you to gobble.”

“Better save room for dessert, because the best flavor of pie is me.”

Dirty Turkey Jokes For Adults

Dirty Turkey Jokes For Adults

Here are some handpicked dirty turkey jokes for adults to make things hot and heavy.

“You make my turkey timer pop.”

“I hope that Turkey’s not the only thing about to get stuffed.”

“Let’s make like mac ‘n cheese and melt together.”

“You can mash my potatoes anytime.”

“I’ve got something for you to GOBBLE”

“I’ll have my slice with [insert a dirty word]”

Related: Dirty Winter Jokes For Adults

“They say tying the legs together keeps everything moist.”

“Hey, bb, I heard you got a wishbone for me.”

“Talk Turkey to me”

“I need only 30 seconds to make you meat thermometer pop.”

“I love it when you watch me baste my bird.”

“The table’s not the only thing that needs to get laid.”

“(with Turkey Br*asts) “Stop staring at my br*asts”

“Hello Gourd-geous”

“The turkey isn’t the only thing on this table that needs basting.”

“Baby, you’re like a turkey dinner: I’ll eat you with (cranberry) relish.”

“I’m going to need someone to help me get these pants off after this dinner….

“Saving room for you for dessert.”

Related: Flirty Dirty Knock Knock Jokes

“My entire family keeps asking why I’m still single. Want to help me change that?”

“Ready to ditch your dinner and come baste my turkey instead?”

“What are you going for tonight: thighs or br*asts?”

“You’re the gravy to my turkey.”

“You’re sweeter than pumpkin pie.”

“You’re the only (cutie) pie I need.”

“You really spice up my pumpkin.”

“I’m losing my head over you!”

“You’re what I’m most thankful for this year.”

“Forget the pie, you’re having me for dessert tonight.”

“I’d rather get lost in your sauce.”

Related: I Love You Knock Knock Jokes

“Skipping the stuffing because I know you’ll have some for me later tonight.”

“I’m ready to shuck your corn.”

Thankgiving Pick Up Lines | Wanna STUFF My Turkey? (video)

Source: The Daily Dropout

I hope you had fun while reading these dirty Thanksgiving jokes one liners to spice up your conversation.

Moreover, you can check out these jokes, memes, riddles, and trivia on holidays, food, love, and animals for more ideas that suit different situations and moods.

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