70+ Really Hard Christmas Riddles | Puzzles | Printable For Adults 2025

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To engage your child’s brain, use riddles especially on Christmas to have a fun time with your loved ones.

Riddles may seem simple to adults, yet they can be difficult for young children.

Here is a list of hard Christmas holiday riddles to play trivia games with people on or around Christmas Eve.

Have fun playing these hard Christmas riddles. Merry Christmas..!!

Hard Christmas Riddles With Answers | Difficult

Where does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?
In the dictionary”

What do you call a disrespectful reindeer?

Why didn’t the stocking want to eat Christmas dinner?
He was stuffed!”

What did the snowman order at the fast food restaurant?
“An ice burger with chili sauce”

What kind of bug hates Christmas?
A humbug”

Which elf was the best singer?
ELFis Presley”

What do you call Santa when he goes down a chimney with a fire at the bottom?
“Krisp Cringle”

Related: Secret Santa Riddles

How was the snow globe feeling?
“A little shaken!”

How do cats greet each other at Christmas?
“Have a furry Merry Christmas and a Happy Mew Year.”

What did Adam say the day before Christmas?
“It’s Christmas, Eve.”

If athletes get athletes foot, what do astronauts get?

Where do the three wise men go to get their robes tailored?

Who brings Christmas presents to fleas?
Old St. Tick”

Related: Best December Puns, Jokes, & Riddles

What do you use to decorate a canoe for Christmas?

How did Santa get lost on Christmas Eve?
“He got mis-sled.”

Where do Santa and the elves go for a swim?
“The North Pool”

What kind of pictures do elves take?

What’s white, red, and blue at Christmas time?
A sad candy cane!”

Where do snowmen go to dance?
The snowball”

Why do mummies like Christmas so much?
“Because of all the wrapping!”

Hard Christmas Riddles For Adults

What is the cleanest reindeer called?

Why did Jimmy’s grades drop after the holidays?
“Because everything was marked down!”

What is green, white, and red all over?
“A sunburnt elf”

How much did Santa pay for his sleigh?
“Nothing, it was on the house!”

Related: Funny Early Christmas Jokes & Riddles

Why didn’t the wig get any presents on Christmas?
“Because it was very knotty”

What do you wait for all year long and it just ends up looking like a giant human’s sock?
“Christmas. stockings”

Why did Santa get a ticket on Christmas Eve?
“He left his sled in a s(no)w parking zone.”

What does one business person say to another business person on Christmas?
“Season’s meetings.”

What do you drain your Christmas Brussels sprouts with?
“An advent colander”

What do Santa’s helpers do to work out their problems?
“They go to an elf-help group.”

I’m a bank but I don’t have any money. What am I?

What did the kids’ mother say after they were done opening presents?
“Oh! What a Christmess!”

What laundry detergent do people in the North Pole use?
“Yule Tide”

Did you hear about the cracker’s Christmas party?
“It was a BANG!”

Related: Best Christmas Math Puns Jokes

What do you get if you cross mistletoe and a duck?
“A Christmas Quacker”

Who gives presents to baby sharks?
“Santa Jaws”

Hard Christmas Puzzles Printable

What do you call an old snowman?

What’s the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the ordinary alphabet?
“The Christmas alphabet has NOEL!”

What’s red and white, red and white, red and white?
“Santa Claus rolling down a hill.”

What did Mrs. Claus say to Santa when she looked at the sky?
“Looks like rain, dear.”

Related: Elf Jokes And Riddles

What do you call a snowman in the summer?
“A puddle!”

Which year would Christmas and New Years come in the same year?
“Every year.”

What is it that you can catch easily but cannot throw, especially during December?
“A cold”

Where do the reindeer go for Christmas dinner?
“To their aunt-ler’s house.”

What do you give an artistic dog for Christmas?

Why was the computer so quiet on Christmas Eve?
“Because not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.”

The inns were full in this little town, so in a manger he was born. What is it?

What did Santa need when he sprained his ankle?
“A candy cane”

Really Hard Christmas Riddles

What’s Santa’s favorite candy?
Jolly Ranchers!”

What is a reindeer’s favorite instrument?

What do you get when you cross an archer with a gift-wrapper?
“Ribbon Hood.”

Who delivers the Christmas presents to dogs?
“Santa Paws”

What do you get if you cross Father Christmas with a detective?
“Santa Clues”

What’s Santa’s favorite sandwich?
“Peanut Butter & Jolly”

How do fish decorate for Christmas?
“They hang reefs.”

What kind of bird can write?
“A pen-guin”

What’s the best thing to put into a Christmas cake?
“Your teeth.”

Hard Christmas Tree Riddles

Why was the Christmas tree so bad at knitting?
“He was always dropping his needles!”

Which winter sport do trees participate in?
“Al-pine skiing”

How do Christmas trees keep their breath fresh?
“They suck on an orna-mint.”

What did the Christmas tree say to the ornament?
“Aren’t you tired of hanging around?”

I have needles all over me but cannot sew anything. What am I?
“A Christmas tree

I get chopped, decorated, and on one end you’ll see wings on top. What am I?
“A Christmas tree”

What would an apple and a Christmas tree get if they had a baby?
“A pine-apple”

Hard Christmas Scavenger Hunt Riddles

“Dropping from the sky
More beautiful than rain
There are no two pieces
That’ll ever look the same”


“When he gets on his vehicle
He tells his animals to go go go
And he’s a jolly old fellow
As he is always going ho ho ho”

Santa Claus

“These oversized socks are hung
Up above the fireplace
Where they’re stuffed with lots of gifts
To put a smile on your face”


Christmas Riddles Printable

If you liked these Christmas riddles, then you can even check out our other holiday jokes, puns, and riddles as well.

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