Are you looking for watermelon puns related to watermelon jokes?
I have a great range of fun watermelon puns available on our website that will surely tickle your taste buds this summer!
However, it’s hard sometimes to think of funny jokes that go well with the mood or moment.
Therefore, I got watermelon jokes from amazing fruit puns that are funny and clever jokes to use today.
We have also included jokes, memes, riddles, pick up lines, watermelon quotes, watermelon dad jokes, watermelon farmer, and knock knock jokes.
Have fun and enjoy!
Table of Contents
Best Watermelon Puns Jokes For Adults & Kids | Clean | 2025
Here I got a watermelon jokes for adults collection to share with kids or adults. Pick suitable jokes about watermelon for kids and adults.

Why are watermelons the saddest fruit?
“They get melancholy.”
Why won’t anyone sit next to a watermelon?
“They have a strange smelon.”
Do you know what you call the outside of a watermelon?
“Rind of.”
Why are watermelons, such good entrepreneurs?
“They always have seed money.”
Why do watermelons take such a long time to make decisions?
“They’re always melon it over.”

Why did the watermelon go crazy?
“He lost his rind.”
Why shouldn’t you go into business with a watermelon?
“They’re seedy.”
Did you hear about the fruit who was convicted of armed robbery?
“Now he’s a waterfelon.”
Did you hear about the guy who smashed all those fruits?
“It was a slaughter melon.”
Why did one melon break up with the other melon?
“He didn’t know water problem was.”

Did you hear about the watermelon who starred in a telanovella?
“It was melondramatic.”
What was the watermelon’s naughty pick-up line?
“Want to see my melons?”
What did the fruit write on his Valentine’s card?
“You’re one in a melon!”
You know what they say about when life gives you melons?
“You might be dyslexic.”
What is the only time you start at the red and stop at the green?
“When you eat a watermelon!”

Why did the cantaloupe jump into the pool?
“It wanted to be a watermelon.”
How are a car and a bicycle similar?
“You can’t make watermelon juice out of either of them.”
How do you make a watermelon more watery?
“You have to plant it in the spring (a spring is a small river).”
If Jim has 15 watermelons and throws one at Mary, what does Mary have?
“A really bad headache!”
What do you call a girl with no arms, no legs, sitting in a watermelon patch?
“Melanie! (melon-y)”
What did the father cantaloupe say to his son?
“Watermelon! (Water-my-lawn)”

What do you call a melon that commits a crime?
“A water-fellon!”
What will happen in a watermelon’s funeral?
“The people there will be MELONCHOLY sad.”
What will happen if the watermelon does not bath for a couple number of days?
“It will start smelon!”
What will a man be called if he has a lot of blusterous felon on his finger?
“He will be called as water felon.”
What is the best time to water the lawns?
“Water melon mostly during the morning.”
How many animals are there in this zoo?
“There are thousands animelons in the zoo!”
Cute One Liner Water Melon Puns | Dad 2025
These are the best one line watermelon puns for Instagram captions. You can use them for compliments, pick up lines over text, social media, or use them directly.

“Water(melon) you doing this summer?”
“Peelin’ pretty great about this summer so far.”
“I will say, from here, the ocean looks pretty a-peel-ing.”
“This tan has my melon-in poppin’.”
“You can never be melon-choly in the summertime.”
“Ready to eat all the watermelon this summer.”
“S-melon like salty hair and ocean air.”
“It’s not a melon-y to love summer as much as I do.”
“You’re one in a melon.”
“Not in a melon years will I stop going to the peach.”
Punny Watermelon Puns & Jokes 2025
If you looking for watermelon puns that rhyme with watermelon or watermelon-related wordplay jokes like cantaloupe, or similar then these are perfect watermelon play on words to be used. Enjoy!

Water my lawn/Watermelon: “In summer I schedule my sprinklers to watermelon more often or else it dies.”
Million/Melon: “You are one in a melon.”
Malign/Melon: “He was harshly meloned in the local newspapers.”
Melanie/Melony: “Melony Griffith’s acting was brilliant in that film.”
Male on/Melon: “We have footage of a Caucasian melon the roof of the complex.”
Mail on/Melon: “I tend to receive more melon mondays.”
Mile on/Melon: “It’ll travel at least a melon one charge of the battery.”
Animal on/Ani-melon: “There’s always a cute ani-melon the front page of Reddit.”

Abnormal on/Abnor-melon: “She acts abnor-melon purpose so people don’t disturb her.”
Camel on/Ca-melon: “I think it was a bad idea to take a ca-melon this trip.”
Decimal on/Decimelon: “The deci-melon the top of the fraction can be cancelled.”
Female on/Femelon: “There’s also a fe-melon duty that you can talk to if you’d feel more comfortable?”
Normal on/Nor-melon: “He seemed nor-melon our first date, but turned out to be a bit of a creep.”
Optimal on/Opti-melon: “I seem to feel opti-melon about 8 hours of sleep.”
Smile on/Smelon: “She have a big happy smelon her face.”
Felon/Melon: “He was charged with high treason, but later the conviction was changed to a melony.”
What are we/Watery: “Watery going to do?”
New Watermelon Jokes Dirty 2025
“If I was a watermelon..
Would you spit or swallow my seed?”
“If it was summer and I was a watermelon…
Would you spit or swallow my seeds?”
“Do you spit or swallow your watermelon seeds?”
Are you a watermelon?
’cause I wanna eat you from the inside out.’
How is a girl eating watermelon like a girl giving a b0w-j0b?
“She’s going to end up spitting some seeds!”
What’s the difference between a watermelon and a baby’s head?
“I don’t know! I’m asking you!”
What sort of monsters don’t eat the crust?
“I mean it’s fantastic even if it doesn’t taste like the rest of the watermelon”
Why did the watermelons ask for permission to get married?
“Because they cantaloupe.”
Which race eats the most watermelon?
“The human race, you racist a$$h0le!”
If Johnny has 3 watermelons in one hand and 7 in the other, what would he have?
“Big f*ckngg hands”
When do you start on red and stop on green?
“When you’re eating a watermelon!”
Best Watermelon Pick Up Lines 2025
Here is some of the dirty and flirty pick up line on watermelon you can try to impress a girl or a guy instantly. Pick a suitable watermelon pickup line. Enjoy!
Are you a watermelon?
“Because I’d smash that.”
“Are you a fruit store? Because I want to pick on your watermelons.”
“Are you a watermelon? Because I will eat your seeds.”
“Babe you got some nice watermelons. Can I see your melons?”
“Babe, I am a sugar daddy with sweet watermelons. I’d like to invest some seed money into you.”
“Babe, I am a watermelon. Take my skin off and swallow my seeds.”
“Do you like watermelons? I know how to pick up sweet watermelons.”
“Girl I am all about the watermelon. I am as seedy as it gets.”
“Girl, are you a watermelon? Because it is about to get messy when I eat u🫵🏻.”
“I like your watermelons, can I taste them?”
“I want to crack you open and eat you sweet insides like that watermelon.”
“Is your @$$ a watermelon? Because I’d smash that.”
“Is your dad a farm? Because you got some nice watermelons.”
Knock Knock Watermelon Jokes 2025
Knock knock?
Who is there?
Boo Who?
Don’t cry!
We have the best watermelon jokes.
Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Noah, who?
Noah good joke about watermelons?
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
June who?
June know how to tell a good watermelon knock-knock joke?
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
June who?
June know any good watermelon knock knock jokes?
Hopefully, these watermelon puns & jokes are juicy and fruity.
However, for more funny joke ideas, you try these food puns or fruit captions on apple, lemon, banana, orange to post clever selfies or pics on social media.
To get new jokes and puns regularly in your mail inbox, subscribe to us from below and have a fun time with friends & family. Enjoy!