60+ Best Black Friday Puns | One Liners | Cute | Funny | Words 2025

Here are some of the best Black Friday puns to share and have fun at this holiday season.

Moreover, these black Friday puns include cute and funny one liners and words.

Pick suitable funny puns that fit your needs. Enjoy the Black Friday sale and discounts…!!!

Black Friday Puns One Liners

Black Friday Puns One Liners

“Which family usually spends the most on Black Friday? The one that learns the least.”

“I’ve saved an absolute fortune this Black Friday. I stayed in.”

“Who profits the most on Black Friday? The folks who were smart enough to stay home.”

“What did Nala tell Simba after seeing a herd of women on Black Friday? You gotta Mufasa!”

“Black Friday: The day people spend money they don’t have on things they don’t need.”

“I’ll be celebrating Black Friday in my own way — by completely ignoring it.”

“The best Black Friday sale is one you can access from your bed.”

“Here’s hoping Black Friday won’t turn into Black and Blue Saturday.”

“Bought a new vacuum on Black Friday. It sucks!”

“Black Friday = Broke Saturday”

“If someone advertises a Black Friday beer sale I will camp out until I freeze”

Cute Black Friday Puns

Cute Black Friday Puns

“What do you call Hunger Games in America? Black Friday.”

“When Black Friday falls on Friday the 13th, what happens? Prices get slashed!”

“Black Friday should be for bills, too. I want to get 30% off my electricity bill if I pay it on Black Friday.”

“Shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist.”

“Black Friday: The day people spend money they don’t have on things they don’t need.”

“What happens when a mall loses power? Free Black Friday.”

“Bought a new vacuum on Black Friday. It sucks!”

“Who profits the most on Black Friday? The folks who were smart enough to stay home.”

“I’ll be celebrating Black Friday in my own way — by completely ignoring it.”

“My version of Black Friday is deleting all the people on my phone who sent me a mass Thanksgiving text.”

“So you can make it early to Black Friday but can’t make it to church on Sunday?”

Funny Black Friday Puns

Funny Black Friday Puns

“I don’t know what the big deal is about Black Friday. All Fridays matter.”

“I’ve saved an absolute fortune this Black Friday. I stayed in.”

“I’ve often wondered why they call it “black Friday” Is it because we’re getting things at a steal?”

“Black Friday sale on Star Wars Battlefront 2. Save up to $2160 by not buying it.”

“Why do cops love going to Black Friday early? So they can beat the crowd.”

“All this Spending on Black Friday. Better make sure ya’ll pay the electric bill first or next Friday will be Black Friday too.”

“By far the best black friday deal of 2017… My bank account, with a 100% balance discount.”

“Amazing BLACK FRIDAY deal: Buy NOTHING and save up to 100% in EVERY STORE!”

“It’s Black Friday… do you like sales? Because of you’re looking for a good one, clothing is 100% off at my place.”

“Black Friday and I have a lot in common. It always comes too early once a year.”

“Damn Amazon and their Black Friday deals. I ordered 4 Kindles and they sent me a 2 Ronnies DVD instead!”

Black Friday Sale Puns

Black Friday Sale Puns

“Shop till you drop.”

“Life is short. Buy new shoes.”

“Nothing better than Black Fridays.”

“I live for Black Friday.”

“You can never have enough socks…”

“Give thanks to Loving Black Friday”

“Thank God, it’s Black Friday!”

“I’m only a morning person on Black Friday.”

“The countdown to Black Friday starts now!”

“Fridays made better”

“Join the shopping frenzy!”

“Black Friday sale alert – don’t miss out!”

“Get all you want”

“Cyber week is here”

“Shopping is a sign of living”

“Black Friday = is still Friday, it just better”

“First, we turkey, then we Target”

“Black Friday doorbusters are on!”

“Better than normal Fridays”

“Score big on Black Friday!”

Black Friday Play On Words

Black Friday Play On Words

“Buy Nothing Day.”

“Buy More to Save More.”

“Empty wallets, happy hearts.”

“Beware the people. Fight for yourself.”

“Black Friday apocalypse.”

“Black Friday—it’s irresistible.”

“Shopping ahoy!”

“It’s not Black Friday if there’s no stampede.”

“Be safe this Black Friday.”

“Faster than the Flash!”

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