Here are some of the best frog puns and jokes that are silly, punny, and funny.
Also, these funny frog jokes are adults and kids friendly to share with friends and partners.
Therefore, whether you need funny knock knock frog jokes or frog one liners, these jokes are going to get a laugh out.
Or,terrible frog jokes are just your thing, we’ve got you covered to shareon Instagram!
Moreover, these frog puns include dirty frog jokes for adults that can help you spice things up with your crush, or partner to have a fun time with friends.
Table of Contents
Best Frog Puns & Jokes Riddles 2024
Here are frog jokes that are terrible as well as adult friendly to use for frog words or Kermit the frog puns.
What do you call a frog who has no legs?
Why did the frog have to go to the hospital?
“The doctor said he needed a hopperation.”
What is a frog’s favorite sport?
What would you call a frog that has parked illegally?
Why did the frog read Sherlock Holmes?
“He liked a good croak and dagger story.”
What kind of music do frogs like best?
“Hip hop.”
What is a frog’s favourite year?
“A leap year.”
What’s a frog’s favourite flower?
“A croakus.”
What do Scottish frogs play?
What do you call a frog spy?
“A croak and dagger agent.”
What happened when the frog’s car broke down?
“He jump-started it.”
Where does a witch’s frog sit?
“On a toadstool.”
What did the frog say about his favourite book?
“Reddit, reddit, reddit.”
Where do you get frog’s eggs?
“At the spawn shop.”
What did the bus driver say to the frog at the bus stop?
“Hop on.”
What do you get if you cross a science fiction film with a toad?
“Star Warts.”
What do you get when you cross an alligator and a poison tree frog?
“A croakadile.”
Did you hear about the short-sighted frog?
“He had to go to the Hopthalmologist.”
Why are frogs so happy?
“Because they eat whatever bugs them.”
What do frogs do with paper?
Why are frogs so good at basketball?
“Because they always make jump shots.”
Why didn’t the frog park on the side of the road?
“He was afraid of getting toad.”
What do you call a woman with a frog on her head?
What’s a frog’s favorite game?
What do frogs drink?
Waiter, waiter, do you have frog legs?
“No, I always walk this way.”
What’s the difference between a cat and a frog?
“A cat has nine lives but a frog croaks every night.”
What do you call a frog hanging from the ceiling at Christmas?
Why did the frog make so many mistakes?
“It jumped to the wrong conclusions.”
What do you get if cross a frog with some mist?
“Kermit the Fog.”
What do you get when you cross a snake and a frog?
“A jump rope.”
When I was younger, I dressed up as a frog and robbed a bank.
“That was the first time that I Kerm-itted a crime.”
What’s green with red spots?
“A frog with the chicken pox.”
What’s green and can jump a mile a minute?
“A frog with hiccups.”
What did the frog dress up as on Halloween?
“A prince.”
What jumps up and down in front of a car?
Why did the tadpole feel lonely?
“Because he was newt to the area.”
What do you call a talking frog?
“A quantum leap.”
What do headmasters and bullfrogs have in common?
“Both have big heads that consist mostly of mouth!”
What happens when two frogs collide?
“They get tongue tied.”
What happens to a frog’s car when it breaks down?
“It gets toad.”
What happened to the frog when he wrecked his car ?
“He got toad.”
I watched a documentary about frogs
“It was ribbeting.”
A builder asks his son what sound does a frog make?
What do frogs get high on?
What’s the difference between a frog and a horny toad?
“A frog says ribbit-ribbit. A horny toad says rub-it rub-it.”
What does a frog say when seeing a hare?
“Rabbit! Rabbit!”
How does a Japanese frog say thanks?
How do depressed frogs die?
“They Kermit suicide.”
What happened to the frog that hurt his leg?
“He was un-hoppy!”
Why Did the Frog Cross the Road?
“To show his friends he had guts.”
Terrible Frog Jokes Riddles 2024
What’s green and loud?
“A froghorn.”
What happens when you cross a frog and a dog?
“You get a croaker spaniel.”
What kind of pole is short and floppy?
“A tadpole.”
What’s a frog’s favorite restaurant?
What type of shoe do frogs wear?
“Open-toad sandals.”
Why are frogs rarely angry?
“They eat whatever bugs them.”
What do you call a frog that lies?
“An am-fib-ian.”
Where do frogs hang their coats?
“In the croakroom.”
What do stylish frogs wear?
Why did the frog go to the hospital?
“He needed a hoperation.”
What do frogs eat at McDonald’s?
“French flies and a Diet Croak.”
What happened to the frog’s car when his parking meter expired?
“It goat toad!”
What’s a frog’s favorite car?
“A Beetle!”
What do you get when you cross a frog and a bunny?
“A bunny ribbit.”
How do frogs share secrets?
“Through Morse Toad.”
What’s a frog’s favorite candy?
Why did the frog go to the bank with a gun?
“He wanted to robbit.”
What kind of music do sophisticated frogs listen to?
What type of frog has horns?
“A bull frog.”
How does a frog pick his favorite baseball team?
“He jumps on the bandwagon.”
Funny Frog Valentine Puns 2024
Here are one liner frog valentine puns to share with your love interest. Enjoy!
“A ribbit gun.”
“Kneedeep, Kneedeep”
“I’m just going to hop over to the shops, do you want anything?”
“Will you please stop bugging me?”
“We used to receive a paddling for acting up in class.”
“The old seargent’s gruff, froggy voice.”
“Sorry, I completely frogot!”
“Are you telling am-fib-ians?”
“Happily, the number of people kermitting suicide is falling.”
“Always toaddling about and falling over.”
Knock Knock Frog Jokes2024
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Kermit who?
Kermit a crime, and you’ll get locked up by the police.
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Toad who?
I toad you already – listen!
Good Frog Puns Jokes To Share 2024
If you looking for frog puns that rhyme with a frog or frog-related words then these are perfect to use.
Riveting/Ribbeting: “This documentary is ribbeting!”
Rivet/Ribbet: “We need more ribbets to connect the steel beams.”
Forgotten/Frogotten: “I’ve frogotten all the lyrics!”
Forgetfulness/Frogetfulness: “My frogetfulness is the reason I was fired.”
Forgiveness/Frogiveness: “I’m sorry. Can I have your frogiveness?”
Forgave/Frogave: “Oh, I frograve you for that a long time ago!”
Forgo/Frogo: “We need to frogo some of our privileges so that we can help others in need.”
Unforgettable/Unfrogettable: “That holiday was completely unfrogettable.”
Fragment/Frogment: “I’ve still got a frogment of hope left.”
Fragrance/Frogrance: “Oh, that frogrance has a lovely smell.”
Friggin’/Froggin’: “This is froggin’ awesome!”
Frugal/Frogal: “I’m only buying necessities – I’m trying to be frogal.”
Towed/Toad: “If you park here, your car will be toad.”
Told/Toad: “I toad you kids to get off my lawn!”
Toed/Toad: “I prefer open-toad shoes.”
Today/Toaday: “Toaday is the big day!”
Toddler/Toaddler: “Toaddlers are so cute!”
Totalitarianism/Toadalitarianism: “The toadalitarian regime lasted for 14 years.”
Totally/Toadally: “Frog puns are toadally awesome.”
Total/Toadal: “We have thirty two dollars and ten cents in toadal.”
Girls/Gills: “Frogs don’t have gills, but tadpoles do – you might have to use this one with care.”
Depend/depond: “Can I depond on you or not?”
Appendix/Appondix: “The graph is in the appondices.”
Compendium/Compondium: “A well organised compondium of useful information.”
Dependence/Depondence: “I’ve developed a depondence on frog puns over the years.”
Perpendicular/Perpondicular: “Perpondicular lines are at 90 degree angles to one another.”
Suspended/Susponded: “I was susponded for excessive frog pun usage.”
Hop/Hope: “I hop to one day start a charity.”
Hoping/Hopping: “I’m hopping this frog pun isn’t too shameful.”
Commit/Kermit: “We’re in a kermitted relationship.”
Hermit/Kermit: “Yeah, an old kermit lives in that house.”
Cloak/Croak: “I need a water-proof croak for winter.”
Foggy/Froggy: “It’s really froggy on the roads tonight, drive carefully.”
Hopefully, you liked these frog puns and jokes to share with friends and have fun with others like kids or adults.
Moreover, check out these jokes, memes, and riddles on food, animals, holiday, and love to get more ideas that suit different moods and situations.