150+ Funny Thanksgiving Sayings | Catchy | Slogans | Phrases | Signs | Greetings 2025

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Thanksgiving is a time when we get together with our friends and family.

The favorite time of the year to enjoy others’ company, delicious food, and the weather.

November is the month of fall and apart from that, it’s the month of the festival.

Therefore, embrace your holiday humor with these funny Thanksgiving sayings, phrases and be the best host.

Pick suitable sayings on Thanksgiving and turkey that include catchy slogans, phrases, signs, and blessings to share this festive season.

Take a look below and have fun. Happy Thanksgiving..!!!

Catchy Thanksgiving Phrases

Catchy Thanksgiving Phrases

“You are never alone in Thanksgiving”

Catchy Thanksgiving Phrases

“Love sharing food love Thanksgiving”

Thanksgiving Catchy  Phrases

“Thanksgiving is a day to celebrate the love of sharing food”

“Having food together is a bliss, happy thanksgiving”

“Gratitude is the right attitude, thanksgiving for all”

“We thank we share; we celebrate that’s what thanksgiving is”

“Care, love, and food for all this is thanksgiving”

Related: Funny Turkey Puns On Thanksgiving

“Thankful for the turkey”

“Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action”

“Food, family, and more food!”

Thanksgiving Slogans | Marketing

Thanksgiving Slogans

“Gather together, give thanks”

Thanksgiving Slogans

“Nobody diets on Thanksgiving.”

“This holiday season is sure to be pleasing.”

“The pilgrim’s meal”

“Be thankful”

“Let’s carve it”

“All you need is a fork and a knife”

“Here for the stuffing!”

 “Eat all you can”

Related: Best Thanksgiving Memes

 “Give geese a shot.”

 “Gobble till you Wobble”

 “Hip Hooray. It’s Thanksgiving Day”

 “Nobody counts calories on Thanksgiving.”

 “A period so divine, Bring on the turkey and the wine.”

 “It’s turkey time! Cheerful Thanksgiving!”

 “Thanks for all known and unknown blessing”

 “Thanks and cheer all around the year”

 “Thank all and share with all”

 “Good mood, tasty food that’s thanksgiving dude”

 “Can’t keep calm its thanksgiving”

“Diet and thanksgiving never go hand in hand”

“Love, smile, food, and family”

 “Good turkey makes good food”

 “Turkey is the key for complete thanksgiving”

 “Share may be a little or more, keep sharing”

Related: Best Thanksgiving Knock Knock Jokes

 “You share today; you share every day”

 “Complete thanksgiving by sharing food”

 “Thanksgiving is time for a feast”

“Sauce, gravy, and family”

 “Turkey and gravy wonderful combination”

 “Don’t die waiting for the piece of a pie”

 “It’s thanksgiving; we talk turkey today”

“Turkey on Thanksgiving is a blessing”

 “Thank God its thanksgiving”

Funny Thanksgiving Words

Funny Thanksgiving Words










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Apple Pie
















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Funny Thanksgiving Sayings For Letter Boards

Funny Thanksgiving Sayings For Letter Boards

“Eat, drink, and cranberry”

“I’m most thankful for my big pants”

“Get your Big Pants ready!”

“Don’t let the turkeys get you down”

“High Time for Pie Time!”

“Thankful today and every day”

“There is always something to be thankful for”

Related: Religious Thanksgiving Quotes

“More potatoes, please”

“Who’s ready for seconds?”

“Wine is a side dish, right?”

“50 shades of gravy”

“The turkey was plucking amazing!”

“All about the baste”

“Buckle up for a great Thanksgiving, pilgrim”

“Count your blessings, not your carbs”

“Let the gourd times roll.”

“Activate: Feast Mode.”

Related: Grateful Thanksgiving Quotes

“Wham, yam, thank you ma’am.”

“Nobody puts gravy in the corner.”

“I pecan’t even.”

“Baste. Thanksgiving. Ever.”

“Piece out.”

“Thank Fullllllll”

Funny Thanksgiving Signs | Catchy

Funny Thanksgiving Signs

“Have an attitude of gratitude”

“We give thanks for God and green bean casserole.”

“To be thankfull is not be full for all God’s doing”

“Today’s forcast God reins and the son shines forever”

“A bad attitude spoils the gift”

“God’s Love Creates Thankful Hearts”

“Being Thankful is not in a day, but it’s a lifestyle.”

“Thanksgiving means thanking God”

“Gratitude is a fruit of great cultivation”

“Gratitude is the heart’s memory.”

“There’s always something to be thankful for”

“There’s always room for seconds”

“Give thanks with a grateful heart”

“Pumpkin kisses and harvest wishes”

“Leftovers are for quitters”

“Eat, drink, and be thankful”

“In all things give thanks”

“Gather here with grateful hearts”

“Get your pie on”

“It’s turkey time”

“Keep calm and gobble on”

“Count your blessings”

“Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.”

“Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.”

“Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast.”

“A grateful mind is a great mind.”

“Pray for the Harvest Corn, Beans, Souls”

“A grudge is a heavy thing to carry”

“And though I ebb in worth, I’ll flow in thanks.”

“Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart.”

“Act your praise, not your shoe size.”

“Have you thanked God today?”

Funny Thanksgiving Greetings

Funny Thanksgiving Greetings Images

“I celebrated Thanksgiving the old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land.” 

“I celebrated Thanksgiving the old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land.” 

“I approximated the Black Friday experience at home by hurling myself into a wall a number of times and then ordering online.”

“Thanksgiving, man. Not a good day to be my pants.”

Related: Best Thanksgiving Sayings | Signs | Cards

“The Thanksgiving tradition is, we overeat. ‘Hey, how about at Thanksgiving we just eat a lot?’ ‘But we do that every day!’ ‘Oh. What if we eat a lot with people that annoy the hell out of us?’”

“It took me three weeks to stuff the turkey. I stuffed it through the beak.”

Funny Thanksgiving Sayings For Cards

Funny Thanksgiving Sayings For Cards

“Out of the many reasons that you have to be thankful, my friendship with you is certainly one! Many warm wishes to you on this Thanksgiving Day.”

“I love the breasts served of Turkey! This being the main reason why Thanksgiving is one of my favorite seasons! Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving Day in advance.”

“Happy gobble Gobble day. Eat up all that you can on this Thanksgiving, it’s a feast!”

“After such a sumptuous meal, the snooze fest is on I believe! Enjoy as you wish to on this Thanksgiving Day buddy.”

Related: Thanksgiving Trivia Multiple Choice

“I pray to God that all the good things in life happen to you more often. Have an amazing Thanksgiving Day.”

“Having a meal on this day is of wholly another level and you know what?? I’m already on the thanksgiving level now! Let’s wait no more and delve into the delicacies. Happy Thanksgiving Day.”

“Not every person is blessed with friends like you! Thanks for making my life easier and happier. Happy Thanksgiving Day mate.”

“Though I’m far away from you now, I want to make sure that you feel the warmth of our relationship through this wish on the day of Thanksgiving. I thank you for all the love and support, have a great Thanksgiving Day.”

“You are the reason why thanksgiving feels great. Not because you are a great friend but for the amazing dishes that you cook on the day. Hahaha! Awaiting your invitation and wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving Day.”

“It’s all about caring and sharing and when thanksgiving day is here, I want to make sure that you know you are my reason to thank god forever. Happy Thanksgiving Day.”

“Mercy not, there aren’t any turkey that is too beautiful so that they can be left! Hunt and cook the sumptuous turkey. Happy Thanksgiving Day.”

Funny Thanksgiving Wishes For Coworkers

“Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on the things we are most grateful for, and on the top of the list are our employees. We are what we are because of you, so thank you for all your love, effort, and dedication!”

“It is our good fortune that we hired a group as talented and committed as you are. The milestones we achieved were only possible because of your hard work and dedication. This Thanksgiving, we are appreciative of all that makes our company great. May your day be filled with happiness, gratitude, and fun!”

“This holiday season, we want to extend our gratitude for all your hard work, willingness, and generosity throughout the year. Your efforts have made it possible for us to reach the heights we now boast of. We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!”

Related: Happy Thanksgiving Quotes For Friends

“Thanksgiving is the time to kick back, relax and enjoy with the family, but here at work, we are thankful to you for another wonderful year. We keep you in our hearts as we give thanks for all the blessings in life and the wonderful things yet to come. Happy Thanksgiving!”

“Thank you for all the hard work every day and your dedication to serving our clients and making the company what it is. Thank you for your generosity and willingness to go above and beyond when needed. We couldn’t be what we are without you. Happy Thanksgiving!”

“We wish all the members of our company a great thanksgiving and an amazing holiday season ahead. Kick back, and enjoy your well-deserved break with family and friends. Make great memories, and stay safe!”

Funny Thanksgiving Wishes To Friends

Funny Thanksgiving Wishes To Friends Images

“Have you ever observed the cyclical mystery in the two parts of thanksgiving? It’s all about the thanks and the giving after all! Have a great Thanksgiving Day ahead, enjoy to the fullest.”

“Thanksgiving is such a mood booster! After all who can be on a dull mood after they have had such a delicious meal and a super relaxing nap!”

“Thanksgiving is just the perfect precursor to Christmas. It sets the tone perfectly for the festive season to begin. Have a great and happy Thanksgiving Day.”

“You are just that kind of friend who knows what I mean when I want a small piece of the treat! You are such a savior buddy. Happy Thanksgiving Day to my dearest friend.”

“I wish you have a hundred reasons to thank god. Have a great Thanksgiving Day gentleman.”

Related: Thanksgiving Friendship Quotes | Inspirational

“Do not be at someone’s place that has a lousy cook! In thanksgiving, it’s all about the feast. Get ready and cook your own Turkey and relish the magic of your hands. Have a great Thanksgiving Day buddy.”

“While people are obsessed with the Thanksgiving dinner, for me the best part comes after it. The leftover and nap are what I look forward to the most! Have a great Thanksgiving this year.”

“With people like you in my life, I have all the right reasons to thank my stars! Always be this way, you guys mean a lot to me. Happy Thanksgiving Day.”

Share these funny thanksgiving sayings and quotes with others and host a party full of giggles.

Moreover, check out these jokes, riddles, trivia, and memes on food, love, animals, and holidays to get more ideas to suit different moods and situations.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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