110+ Clean Thanksgiving Jokes | Church | Christian | Good 2025

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Everybody knows what fall means: sweaters, hot beverages, outdoor activities like picking apples, and the beginning of the holiday season.

Thanksgiving is the next major holiday before Christmas after Halloween and its ghouls.

There is much to laugh at even though the stress on gratitude and family is heartwarming and important.

Therefore, here are clean Thanksgiving jokes 2025, memes, riddles, and trivia that you can use at your parties and gatherings.

Take a look below at these Thanksgiving jokes for church, Christian, god, etc. Happy Thanksgiving!

Clean Thanksgiving Jokes For Church | Puns

Thanksgiving Jokes For Church

Why can’t you take a turkey to church?
“Because they use such fowl language.”

What’s the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner?
“The turKEY.”

When did the Pilgrims first say “God bless America”?
“The first time they heard America sneeze!”

What does a Pilgrim call his best friend?
“A palgrim.”

Why did the turkey cross the road?
“It was the chicken’s day off”

If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?

What will a turkey, with a dramatic bent of mind, say to another turkey on Thanksgiving morning?
“To be or not to be roasted, that is the question.”

Related: Thanksgiving Turkey Jokes

What kind of music did the Pilgrims like?
“Plymouth Rock.”

When the Pilgrims landed, where did they stand?
“On their feet!”

Thanksgiving Jokes For Adults

Thanksgiving Jokes For Adults

“Let’s make like the pilgrims and faceplant on something rock-hard.”

“Like Thanksgiving, I come multiple times a year across various countries.”

“Let’s make like mac ‘n cheese and melt together.”

“Yes, you can butter my biscuit.”

“Gosh, I dunno if I can fit this drumstick onto my plate.”

“Let’s go make my Plymouth rock.”

Related: Dirty Thanksgiving Jokes One Liners

“Can you help me out? I need something big for my centerpiece.”

“The best part of Thanksgiving is the stuffing.”

“You’re sweeter than a hot marshmallow on a candied yam.”

“Better save room for dessert, because the best flavor of pie is me.”

“This stuffing is the tur-key to my heart.”

“Do you have anything to put in my cornucopia?”

“You make my turkey timer pop.”

Related: Turkey Jokes For Adults

“I hope that Turkey’s not the only thing about to get stuffed.”

“Let’s make like mac ‘n cheese and melt together.”

“You can mash my potatoes anytime.”

“I’ve got something for you to GOBBLE”

“I’ll have my slice with [insert a dirty word]”

“They say tying the legs together keeps everything moist.”

“Hey, bb, I heard you got a wishbone for me.”

“Better save room for dessert, because the best flavor of pie is me.”

“Talk Turkey to me”

Related: Turkey Trivia Questions Quiz

“I need only 30 seconds to make you meat thermometer pop.”

“I love it when you watch me baste my bird.”

“The table’s not the only thing that needs to get laid.”

“(with Turkey Breasts) “Stop staring at my br*asts”

Thanksgiving Jokes For Kids

Thanksgiving Jokes For Kids

Why do turkeys always go gobble gobble?
“Because they never had good table manners.”

 Why did the turkey call it quits at the farm?
“He was tired of the fowl language.”

Why do turkeys gobble?
“Because they can’t talk!”

How did you know a turkey likes his dinner?
“He gobbles it up!”

Why was the turkey the drummer in the band?
Because he had the drumsticks!”

 Who is not hungry at Thanksgiving?
“The turkey, he’s stuffed!”

What’s the best dance to do on Thanksgiving?
“The turkey trot”

What key has legs and can’t open doors?
A turkey!”

What has feathers and webbed feet?
A turkey wearing scuba gear”

Clean Thanksgiving Jokes For Adults

Clean Thanksgiving Jokes For Adults

“I’m going to gobble that up!”

“Let’s give ’em pumpkin’ to talk about.”

“You’ve really got your turk cut out for you.”

“I’m all about that baste.”

Related: Cheesy Thanksgiving Jokes

“That’s plucking delicious.”

“Why did the chef refuse to crack an egg? He didn’t want to whisk it.”

“They see me rollin’, they hatin’.”

“Baking is my cardio.”

“I’m stuffed!”

“Talk turkey to me.”

Why was the turkey the drummer in the band?
“Because he had the drumsticks!”

 Who is not hungry at Thanksgiving?
“The turkey, he’s stuffed!”

What key has legs and can’t open doors?
“A turkey!”

Why do turkeys always go gobble gobble?
“Because they never had good table manners.”

Related: Dirty Turkey Jokes On Thanksgiving One Liners

“OK, it’s time to cut myself off — cold turkey.”

“Turkeys who love coffee are called perkies.”

“Don’t use that fowl language with me!”

Good Clean Thanksgiving Jokes

Good Clean Thanksgiving Jokes

Why do turkeys gobble?
“Because they can’t talk!”

What has feathers and webbed feet?
A turkey wearing scuba gear”

What is a turkey’s favorite dessert?

Related: Best Thanksgiving Knock Knock Jokes For Kids And Adults

“Hello Gourd-geous”

“The turkey isn’t the only thing on this table that needs basting.”

“Baby, you’re like a turkey dinner: I’ll eat you with (cranberry) relish.”

 Why did the turkey call it quits at the farm?
“He was tired of the fowl language.”

Clean Christian Thanksgiving Jokes | Dad

Clean Christian Thanksgiving Jokes

Why did the Pilgrim eat a candle?
“He wanted a light snack!”

What sound does a space turkey make?
“Hubble, Hubble, Hubble”

What do the turkeys sing on Thanksgiving Day?
“God save the kin”

“Father asked Abraham to write a composition entitled, What I’m thankful for, on Thanksgiving.”

Related: Free Printable Thanksgiving Lunch Box Jokes

“Naughty Abraham wrote, I am thankful that I’m not a turkey.”

“Daddy asked Little Mandy: Why can’t you take a turkey to church?”

“Little Mandy: Because they use such FOWL language that Jesus does not like.”

10 Thanksgiving Fun Facts You Never Knew!

Hope you have a good time reading these clean Thanksgiving jokes.

Moreover, check out these jokes, riddles, trivia, and memes on food, love, animals, and holidays to get more ideas to suit different moods and situations.

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